Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

In case you were wondering what disturbed the calm of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, it was the sound of conservatives and Republicans screaming angrily at President Brick Tamland issuing an official declaration recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility, which occurred this year on Easter Sunday. Granted, this is going to happen occasionally since Transgender Day of Visibility has been on March 31 since it was created, so for once President Tamland didn’t fuck up as much as he usually does. Instead, he fucked up trying to avoid looking like he fucked up.

Instead of focusing on the fuck-up (which would make this one of the longest Lexicon entries in site history), I want to focus on the focal point of this controversy, Transgender Day of Visibility.

And, yes, I’m sorry we have to go there again.

Transgender Day of Visibility

What the Left thinks it means – a day when transgender people can be recognized and celebrated

What it really means – a redundant, unnecessary holiday

Admittedly, I don’t know much about Transgender Day of Visibility (also known as TDOV by the kids), so I decided to go to an authoritative source on all things trans, GLAAD. I’m not sure where the T fits into the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Maybe it’s a silent T.

Anyway, TDOV started in 2010 because a trans advocate felt the community was victimized by the rest of society due to negative portrayals in the media and news stories focused on violence rather than the accomplishments of trans people. Which shows how little the founder knew about the media, by the way. Since then, it flew under most people’s radar because…now get this…most Americans aren’t transgender.

Trans advocates will argue this proves why TDOV is necessary. After all, the goal of this holiday is to raise awareness of the trans community. My counter to that is with people like Dylan Mulvaney, Jeffrey Marsh, and the “It’s Ma’am” woman, we’re well aware of trans people. It’s like having a Vegan Day of Visibility; we know they’re out there because they can’t shut the fuck up about being vegan.

I didn’t provide a link for Dylan Mulvaney media because if I did, it would be the longest Lexicon post in site history.

Furthermore, TDOV isn’t the only observance of trans people during the year. Here is a list of the other trans-specific days observed throughout the year.

Day of Silence
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
LGBT Pride Month
Transgender Awareness Week
Transgender Day of Remembrance

And since trans people have inserted themselves (phrasing!) into the gay community, the list includes even more. At this rate, the trans community will be competing with the Postal Service for number of recognized days.

The issue at hand isn’t that trans people are invisible, not recognized for their achievements, or are only known for negative stereotypes. There are relatively few people who don’t acknowledge the existence of trans people or who actively hate them for being trans. Where most people are concerned about the trans community is when members of that community acts in ways that are at best morally questionable, and the community rallies behind the potential offender instead of calling out the bad behavior.

Take the case of Audrey Hale, a transgender woman who identified as male and shot and killed 6 people at The Covenant School in 2023. While most people condemned the mass shooting, the trans community…well, let’s just say they weren’t so visible following suit. In fact, the Trans Resistance Network mourned not only the loss of lives at Hale’s hands, but mourned Hale’s loss as well.

Furthermore, the trans community got worried about the backlash from the shooting by one of their own. I get that, but for the love of fuck maybe don’t lead with that shit. Six people died because a transgender person decided to shoot up a school, but you collective fucknuggets couldn’t figure out the “poor us” strategy wasn’t the right way to go?

Of course, the pronoun police had to get involved. They weren’t outraged at the carnage, but the “deadnaming” of Hale and the confusion around what pronouns to use.

And people wonder why aliens don’t visit Earth that much.

This is the biggest stumbling block to trans people being accepted or tolerated by the majority of Americans. The majority of the vocal transgender people getting the attention hold themselves and their community above everyone else. They are never wrong; they can only be wronged by others. And they have the egos to flaunt it. I mean, when you can get CBS to not use the term “transgender” in news reports about a transgender shooter, that’s some real power, kids.

I honestly think it’s this power the Left is most scared of, and also the power it most wants to control. It’s like a more flamboyant street gang, complete with utter loyalty to itself and willingness to win at any cost, no matter how down and dirty it will get. The trans community has the Left cowering in its collectivist Doc Martins because they will turn on Leftists who don’t bow to their transgender masters/mistresses.

And the trans community needs several days to be recognized?

Bitch/bastard please! We see you well enough, but we don’t see you when it counts. When Lia Thomas started dominating women’s sports (because, well, he’s a man), you assholes said “get good” to actual women. What would have been a better strategy is to have a good faith conversation about whether biological men competing in women’s events under the guise of being transgender is safe, warranted, and above all else fair for all parties involved. But you’re not ready for that conversation. It’s your way or the high heel way.

And that’s not what you want us to see, is it? You have a lot of power, but still claim to be victims whenever anything bad happens, big or small. Most often small. Minuscule, even. We outside the trans bubble see that all too often, and we see when you folks can’t even bring yourselves to make the right decisions. Like telling Dylan Mulvaney his new song sucks. How fucking hard is that?

Sorry, trans people, but I don’t think you need Transgender Day of Visibility. You need a Transgender Day of Accountability, where you fess up to the shit the bad players in your midst do on the regular and distance yourselves from them. In fact, I think I have the perfect place they can go. Maybe you’ve heard of it.

It’s called Antarctica.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

While you are enjoying the Super Bowl, the commercials, the food, and all of the pomp and circumstance, there is a genocide going on. Not in some foreign country, but rather our own shores.

Leftists, especially those of the LGBTQ1A+GWBJIBBAJABBA community, have been warning us of a trans genocide going on. Sounds pretty serious, doesn’t it? Certainly, if there’s a genocide against members of the trans community, we have to do something!

And I have chosen to write about it.

trans genocide

What the Left thinks it means – trans people being subjected to everything from discrimination to violence

What it really means – a term that conflates non-genocide with genocide for PR purposes

The first thing we need to do, aside from keeping our eyes from rolling because we’re talking about this general subject again, is define what a genocide is. Our good friends at Dictionary.com define it thus:

the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group

That makes trans genocide sound very serious. The problem? The numbers don’t match up to the rhetoric. According to a group that tracked violence against trans people from October 2022 to September 2023, there were 320 deaths. Compared to the 2.6 million trans people in America, the aforementioned deaths came out to a staggering 0.00012308% of the trans population. And when you consider other mitigating factors (race, whether they were sex workers, where the killing occurred), it gets harder to point to a definitive movement to eliminate trans people.

That’s when the Left changed the definition of “genocide” to include non-genocidy actions, like alleged marginalization and mean words. So, it’s not just the actual killing of trans people that counts, but anything they can perceive to be kinda sorta possibly a call for violence. And as we all know, trans people are known to be demure and serious, like Dylan Mulvaney.

For the Leftists reading this, that was sarcasm.

The reason for the expanded desecration…I mean definition is simple: to make as many people victims as possible. And it whips up enough hysteria to get people with TikTok-level attention spans upset and demanding action. And who gets to swoop in and show they care dammit? The Left! Funny how that works out, isn’t it?

What’s not so funny is the lack of action by Leftists to address the situation. Sure, they make a fuss to “raise awareness” of the issue, but that’s like a taking a squirt gun to a five alarm fire: it’s something, but it might as well be nothing. You know, like most of Puddin’ Head Joe’s policies?

But the trans activists are okay with nothing getting done because they don’t care about results as much as they care about being the center of attention. A demographic breakdown of the trans community last year found over half of them are under 35 years old. Now, that in and of itself isn’t particularly damning, until you consider the number of narcissists in that age group. With the advent of social media and the desire of young people to be seen, many young people thrive on being attention whores.

Including trans people.

Further complicating matters is the fact men tend to be more overt with their egos than females. Even if you’re a 6’9″ 389 pound former linebacker from the Midwest who goes by Camille and dresses like Scarlett Johansson cosplaying as the Hulk, the ego is still there and will always be there. Throw in the flamboyance that comes with high visibility trans people and you have a glittery yet toxic cocktail.

So what does this have to do with trans genocide? Turns out quite a bit due to, surprise surprise, ego. What’s better way to gain sympathy (i.e. attention) than to be the victim of something heinous? And with the Left willing to give them as much attention as possible and as much leeway to showcase and promote their lifestyle, it’s a match made in Hell packaged as a heavenly union.

This, of course, creates a copycat effect. Even if the worst thing a trans person encounters is being misgendered, it has the potential to turn him/her into victim, which can inspire others to look for offense in the tiniest of forms. And remember, you can only take offense. It doesn’t just exist in the world in free range cage free conditions. And if it did, it would be way overpriced at Whole Foods.

Let me make something crystal clear here. I don’t advocate for violence against anyone for any reason. Well, except if you cut me off in traffic. Then it’s on!

Seriously, though, no one should be targeted for violence because of their lifestyles. Yes, I know trans rights and transphobia are real things, but they’re not worth killing each other over. And they’re certainly not worth lying about to garner attention.

If the trans community wants me to believe there’s a trans genocide out there, I’m going to have to see evidence that can’t be explained away by other factors. It’s a bit like the COVID 19 death counts where the people who died with COVID were counted as deaths because of COVID. There is a distinction that makes all the difference.

Even if we accept the 320 number provided earlier as solely because the victims were trans, it’s not indicative of a trend or even a TikTok fad. Under the strictest (and most accurate) definition of the term, an actual genocide would involve many more deaths than 300+.

That’s why conflating genocide with what’s happening in the trans community is utterly damaging to the community itself. By inflating the numbers and watering down the definition to the point getting a trans person’s drink order wrong is “proof,” you gain victims, but lose credibility. Call it the Trans Boy Who Cried Wolf, if you will.

I would also take these folks more seriously if they spoke out against trans activists attacking other trans people who don’t agree with them. I mean, if trans genocide includes harsh words and death threats, wouldn’t those trans activists be engaging in…trans genocide? And what about the harsh words against former trans people who are detransitioning? More trans genocide, perhaps?

Hey, I don’t make the rules, folks. I just point them out to people unclear on what they are.

Ultimately, I want the same thing I want from any controversial topic: a rational discussion where the facts are laid out, no matter how ugly they are for one side or the other. With the kind of hysteria surrounding trans genocide, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen anytime soon. It’s okay, though. I can wait.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back into my cryogenic chamber and wake up in another 200 years. See you soon!

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Given the events of the past week, I will apologize for this piece not being as funny as my usual fare (which, as some readers can attest, may not be that big of a difference), but we’re delving into something really big and serious.

And, yes, I’m talking about trans people. Again. But this time the stakes have gotten a lot higher.

I’m talking about the Trans Day of Vengeance which was scheduled for April 1st. Put simply, it’s a day when trans people and their allies vow to continue to fight for trans rights in the light of recent bills making their ways through state legislatures addressing “gender affirming care” for teenagers and younger among other more controversial topics.

After the recent shooting in Nashville, though, it’s time everyone takes a deep breath and step away from their feelings for a moment to dig into this event in greater detail.

Trans Day of Vengeance

What the Left thinks it means – an event to recognize and fight for trans rights

What it really means – a really bad look for the trans right movement

I’ve made my feelings known on the trans issue previously, but I’ll restate it briefly since it does become relevant later. I don’t care if you’re trans. Just don’t be a dickhead and treat others with the respect you want in return. That’s pretty much how I treat anyone, now that you mention it.

So, having said that, the Nashville shooter was a dick, and being trans doesn’t change that fact. Even if the shooter self-identified as a good person, I would say killing 6 people sticks a pin in that identification. And, even if the school was a flaming pile of dog shit to the shooter, that doesn’t excuse the act. Most disagreements, I’ve found, can be addressed without heading for the gun safe.

So, what does this have to do with the Trans Day of Vengeance? Well, it’s a little thing the kids today like to call optics. What do you think of when vengeance is mentioned? If you’re like me (and if you are, seek help), there aren’t many positive connotations that come to mind. Not all of them violent, I grant you, but definitely not a “let’s sit down and discuss our differences over tea” vibe.

The poster for the event reinforces the negative connotations with the statement “Stop Trans Genocide.” Maybe it’s me, but I don’t think there’s actual trans genocide going on, unless you want to conflate the bills being suggested/pass as genocide. But more to the point, how exactly do you stop a genocide? Marching? Social media? A well-crafted hashtag?

Nope. You typically stop it with violence.

And when you consider some of the people backing Trans Day of Vengeance are advocating taking up arms…well, it’s not gonna end well. Given the all-or-nothing nature the more vocal trans people and allies have taken, anyone who doesn’t agree 1000% is liable to wind up in the figurative and possibly literal crossfire.

Including your humble correspondent.

Here’s the part many people on the Left and the Right don’t get. You can agree with a person or idea and still offer legitimate criticism with the intent of creating the best possible outcome. And, let me tell ya, the Trans Day of Vengeance ain’t gonna cut it. Not only are you going to turn off potential allies who are on the fence because of the current environment, but you’re looking like violent assholes in the process. No matter what your intent may be, the phrasing used make it sound like you’re about to go all John Wick on anyone who doesn’t celebrate Dylan Mulvaney 365 days of being a girl.

As entertaining as that might be, it doesn’t help the end goal. If anything, you prove your critics right and give them a reason to attack you right back. Consider me your computer asking “Are you sure you want to do this?” before doing something monumentally fucking stupid.

Walk this back for a moment before answering. This idea is a step you can’t take back easily if you regret it down the line. Once you cross that line, you’re stuck with the consequences. Yes, there are assholes out there who will hurt or kill you for being fabulous. There will always be those kinds of people out there. But you do not need to become them to protect yourselves. Understand them, yes. Turn them into martyrs for their self-righteous cause? Fuck to the no.

And while we’re here on the understanding tip, maybe try to understand why these laws are being proposed in the first place. If your answer is “Because Republicans,” oooooh, sor-ray. That’s incorrect. The source of the outrage is…members of the trans community acting inappropriately around minors. As inclusive as your community is, there need to be some quality standards before letting some people in because there are some freaks out there using drag as a cover for their illicit activities. The longer the trans community sits on their well-manicured hands without kicking out the bad apples, the more likely it looks like you support their activities, which drives the anti-trans folks which fires up the pro-trans folks and the downward spiral into chaos, violence, and another Madea movie.

If you want to support trans rights, do it, but find a friendlier means of outreach. Vague references to potential violence and built-in justification for it under the guise of a genocide that isn’t happening aren’t the way to do it. Try reaching out a hand, preferably one without a weapon in it, and look to make friends with those who disagree with you. If they slap your hand away, so be it. Eventually, you’ll find someone who will shake your hand. Violence doesn’t make that happen, kids.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Normally, I wouldn’t go to gun-grabber and utter dumbass David Hogg for information on what time it was, let alone anything else, but this week he gave me a topic I wanted to research in greater detail. In the aftermath of a shooting at Club Q, a gay bar in Colorado Springs, Hogg took to Twitter to complain about stochastic terrorism.

Although the Left has been using this phrase for a few months, they haven’t really defined, except to say it’s violence inspired by those evil right wingers. You know, the ones who said it was okay to loot, burn down buildings, and build oddly-named autonomous zones on city streets…oh, wait…

Since the Left isn’t going to give us an in-depth definition, I guess it’s up to me. Otherwise, you’d just be stuck with the Mastodon piece

I did this week.

stochastic terrorism

What the Left thinks it means – politically-motivated violence designed to harass and hurt Democrats and left-leaning individuals and inspired by conservative leaders and media figures

What it really means – a combination of two words designed to make Leftists sound smart without them actually being smart

Since I’m a word guy, I want to split the term into its component parts as a means to try to understand the totality. Let’s not forget the Left loves to play with language and combine words that don’t go together that well, like climate justice, democratic socialism, and Leftist intellectual.

The word stochastic is a 25 cent word that adds an intellectual heft to the phrase by virtue of sounding impressive. Thanks to our good friends at Dictionary.com, we have the following definition:

of or relating to a process involving a randomly determined sequence of observations each of which is considered as a sample of one element from a probability distribution.

Yeah, I don’t get it either.

After a bit more research (and a bit of common sense), it occurred to me the heart of the word involves probability or random variables. Keep this in mind for a little later because it’s going to become important.

Once again, our good friends at Dictionary.com provide a solid definition of terrorism, but I want to focus on the primary definition:

the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives

The key word here is “unlawful.” Of course, I’m curious to find an example of a lawful use of violence or threats for coercive purposes, but that’s research for another time. The point here is terrorism is, by definition, illegal, as is inciting violent or criminal actions. Just ask Charlie Manson. Oh, wait, he’s dead.

So, when we put the parts of stochastic terrorism together, we get…a confusing mess. At best, we might be able to simplify the term to mean violence or threats involving probability. And that’s reaaaaaaaaallllllllly being generous to the Left here.

Then, I see how the Left applies the term, and that generosity goes the way of Keith Olbermann’s broadcast career. The way they use it is grossly inaccurate and intellectually dishonest. In other words, the way they usually use language. Relating to the Club Q shooting, Leftists blamed Republicans, Tucker Carlson, Lauren Boebert, Matt Walsh, MAGA Republicans, LibsofTikTok, and I’m sure anybody to the right of Joseph Stalin by now. They’ve also started laying the groundwork for the idea the past year or so of “anti-trans rhetoric” is responsible for the Club Q shooting.

First, a bit of backstory the Left keeps “forgetting” to include in their rush to damnation…I mean judgment. What the Left is calling “anti-trans rhetoric” is a response to what LibsofTikTok has been posting showing…what pro-trans teachers, medical facilities, and events have been posting themselves. Now, I’m not talking posts about trans adults, mind you. I’m talking about pro-trans rhetoric and events aimed at children.

When the aforementioned Republicans/conservatives responded to what these pro-trans PR reps with power willingly posted on their own social media, these reactions got spun from “we have no problems with trans adults, but leave the kids out of this” to “ARGLEBARGLEREPUBLICANSWANTTOKILLALLTRANSPEOPLE!” And that’s just Cenk Uygur!

And it’s through this spin that the Left’s stochastic terrorism’s hat gets hung. Unfortunately for them, it’s also where the hat falls down, lands in a pile of shit, gets puked on by pledges trying to get into a fraternity, lit on fire, thrown into a toxic waste dump (no, not Twitter), and allowed to evolve into the new Senator-Elect of Pennsylvania. Or shipped to New Jersey.

Remember what I said about what stochastic meant? Well…it doesn’t exactly apply here, using the Left’s own logic and the actual definition of the word. What the Left is doing is drawing direct lines between the Right’s rhetoric and the Club Q shooting. Now, if something is based on probability, that would require at least some level of uncertainty, a chance the final result might not happen in spite of the calculations. By targeting the aforementioned Republicans/conservatives directly, that takes away the uncertainty, which undercuts the stochasticity of the situation.

See? Told you it would be important.

Then, there’s the terrorism angle to consider. Remember, terrorism is an unlawful act. If trans people truly feel threatened by what right wing pundits and online accounts are saying, where are the reports to authorities? To my knowledge, none of the people who claim Republicans/conservatives are engaged in stochastic terrorism have filed charges, sought legal counsel, or taken any of the necessary steps to protect themselves within the law.

Now, why would that be? I’m just some old white guy in Iowa, but something tells me the trans people and their supporters know they can’t meet the legal requirements to get an investigation started. At least, without the police or federal agents laughing hysterically for 10 straight minutes over what amounts to hurt fee-fees over social media self-owns.

And to be honest, the lack of legal action is the smart play here, especially considering filing a false police report is pretty much a big no-no. Plus, it opens up a lot of problems for Leftists like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the Socialist Socialite, and plenty more whose rhetoric comes a lot closer to stochastic terrorism than anything Tucker Carlson has said. But if Froggy wants to jump, I say jump. Fuck all of the around and find all of the out.

Before, I close this out, I feel I need to make something crystal clear. Not all trans people and their allies are in favor of what some members of their community are doing in the name of trans visibility. In our efforts to root out the bad actors, we need to ensure we’re not catching the good ones in the “OK Groomer” net. If we don’t, we’re going to wind up doing more damage in the long run and play into the Left’s narrative about us.

In the meantime, call out the Left’s bullshit by asking for receipts. Demand they show us what Tucker Carlson or LibsofTikTok said or did that rose to the level of terrorism. Or if you really want to embarrass them, ask them to define stochastic. Make sure to have your phone or web browser handy to show them the actual definition.

And tell them David Hogg sent ya.