The False Gospels of He Gets Us

I wrote about this group in March of last year. You can read that article here:

This is going to focus on the “He Gets Us” movement and their false gospel advert during the Super Bowl last week. It’s shocking how many ways this group can twist the gospel message of Jesus into something wicked and evil to the non believer. They are truly promoting an antiChrist with their “Feel Good” version of Jesus.

Within this latest advert it talks about how Jesus was a good neighbor because he washed the feet of his friends and enemies alike. Really. This what this advert claims Jesus did during his ministry on earth. Now to the unbeliever, who has a fleeting knowledge of Jesus stories from Sunday School to draw upon. The will recall that Jesus washed some feet. So it must be true and of course we want to do the same.

The advert shows still pictures of various feet washings. An abortion protestor washing the feet of woman who has just murdered her child in the womb. An illegal alien and trespasser getting his feet washed by a neighbor. And a priest washing the feet of an active homosexual male.

All of these images are false. Jesus never washed the feet of an unrepentant sinner. Likewise, Jesus never washed the feet of a Pharisee, or religious leader, a Roman soldier, or the money changers in the Temple. All of these people would have been the enemy of Jesus. Not once in Scripture does it state that Jesus washed any of their feet.

Scripture does state that Jesus violently turned over the tables of the money changers in the Temple and then proceeded to whip and chase them from the Temple calling them thieves.

Now, Jesus did wash the feet of his followers. Godly and holy men who were of character and repentant of their sins. Jesus washed their feet to show them they in order to lead His church, they must lead as servants to the body of believers. These are the only people that the Biblical Jesus washed the feet of, his followers.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

There are times when both the Left and the Right get something so completely fucking wrong that I have to call it out. And this is one of those times.

Since the NFL season began, there has been a lot of talk about Taylor Swift, mainly because she’s currently dating potential future song inspiration Travis Kelce of the Kansas City Chiefs. This has garnered a lot of emotions on both sides of the political aisle and for a lot of different reasons.

And if there wasn’t, I wouldn’t have a topic for this week’s Lexicon.

Taylor Swift

What the Left thinks it means – a strong successful woman who scares conservative and Republican football fans

What the Right thinks it means – a nuisance who has ruined the NFL this year and may impact the 2024 election

What it really means – she’s a fucking performer

Sorry to bring the heat so early into this one, but it’s the central point that both sides continue to ignore.

A lot of the heat from the Right when it comes to Taylor Swift is based on how popular she is with both young women and wine moms. These are two demographics that the Right have pissed off in recent months with abortion “bans” (i.e. following the 10th Amendment instead of a fundamentally flawed and politically motivated Supreme Court decision) and…well, that’s pretty much it. Beyond that, there are a few traits both groups exhibit.

Namely, they’re dumbasses who are easily manipulated by Leftists.

Oh, and they hang on everything Taylor Swift does. That point isn’t lost on Leftists, mind you. In fact, they’re banking on it to get women to the polls since Puddin’ Head Joe and Kamala “I Make the President Look Articulate” Harris are about as popular as PETA at a steakhouse. For Leftists who want to keep Puddin’ Head Joe in office…oh, who am I kidding, they want to keep Donald Trump out of office more than they want Puddin’ Head Joe in office, they need to energize as many voters as possible.

Hence, their professed love of Taylor Swift and how she “scares” Republicans and conservatives. And like the Kansas City Chiefs on a short yardage scenario, they are fucking running with this narrative. Facebook, Twitter, and social media in general are filled with this idea that somehow a pretty blonde white woman frightens big bad MAGA folks.

And yet these same Leftists say MAGA is full of white supremacists…who would presumably be in favor of pretty blonde white women…

Fuck it, it doesn’t make sense.

That brings us to the other side of the equation. The Right has built up this outrage over Taylor Swift because she tends to lean to the Left. And given how Swifties follow her like hippies followed the Grateful Dead, the Right is scared of the political sway she has or may have if the Swifties all registered and voted. Plus, there are rumors Swift is going to endorse Puddin’ Head Joe at the Super Bowl, which will mean…not a lot, but it will piss off conservative and Republican football fans.

See, the problem the Right has in their hyperventilation over Taylor Swift is in whether Swifties will turn into voters. Although one Instagram post urging her followers to register to vote garnered over 35,000 new registrations, that is out of…272 million followers as of the date of that post. That’s a whopping 0.00012868% of her followers, kids! I don’t even have an Instagram, but if I did and got the one follower I would presumably have to register to vote, I would outperform Taylor Swift. Also, I bet I could beat her in a chicken wing eating contest, so there’s that.

The point is I like chicken wings, and I can do math. Republicans and conservatives worrying about Swifties rushing out to vote for Puddin’ Head Joe because she says something at the Super Bowl are overestimating the return on investment, for lack of a better term. Yes, she’s influential, but does she move the 2024 needle that much? Probably not, mainly because it would require a sustained effort on Swift’s part to turn her fans into Puddin’ Head Joe fans. And she has shit to do, like write another 14 songs about ex-boyfriends for her next album!

At the end of the day, Taylor Swift only has the power we give her. If we think she’s a potential ally, she’s an ally. If we think she’s a roadblock, she’s a roadblock. If we think she’s a turkey and Swiss on rye with a bit of spicy brown mustard…well, she wouldn’t be, but the point remains. Once we understand the give-and-take of this situation, we can decide how to react.

As for me? I just don’t fucking care.

Taylor Swift is an adult and, as such, she can date who she wants, believe what she wants, and vote for who she wants, as long as all of those actions are done within the confines of the law. If she votes 243 times for Puddin’ Head Joe, though, then she’s fair game for consequences and, quite possibly, a referral to a mental facility. Until then, we owe her the same basic respect we give to a complete stranger: not to stick our noses into his or her business.

Of course, this point will get lost on the extremes of the Taylor Swift kerfuffle because it’s more fun to be pissed off over insignificant bullshit. That’s become our national past time. Screw baseball and football! It’s outrage, baby! If outrage were an Olympic event, we would win the gold, silver, and bronze medals, although the silver and bronze medalists would ask to speak to the Olympics’ manager.

But here’s the thing. You control your outrage, and Taylor Swift doesn’t. Pick your battles better and don’t get swept up in the argle-bargle du jour. In the grand scheme of things, she doesn’t care you don’t like her, nor should you care that she doesn’t care. Fandoms come and go, and the Swifties, too, shall pass.

Just ask anyone from Dexys Midnight Runners.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

It’s really easy to go with the flow, especially when the rest of society seems to follow suit. We typically don’t like conflict because it’s usually more hassle than it’s worth. But there are times when the masses are asses (because the M is silent) and a person decides not to go along to get along.

In the world of women’s sports, Riley Gaines is just such a person. An accomplished student athlete, Gaines came into prominence for expressing concern over trans swimmer Lia Thomas dressing with and swimming against biological women, as well as the way the NCAA treated her when she tied Thomas in the 2022 NCAA Women’s Championships. And for that, she’s become a lightning rod for Leftists who want to paint her as transphobic.

After a recent ass-raping…I mean online conversation with Keith “Don’t You Know Who I Am?” Olbermann, I decided to take some time to delve into the Left’s hate boner for Riley Gaines.

Riley Gaines

What the Left thinks it means – a bitter former swimmer who is using transphobia to grift the right wing into ignoring her failures as a swimmer

What it really means – an actual feminist, not the Leftist mutant variety

At the heart of this aquatic controversy is a simple question, one the Left can’t seem to answer: what is a woman? Naturally, you would think the Party of Science would be able to use, you know, science to provide insight and logic in a response. You would think that, but you’d be wrong.

See, the Left can’t rely on the science here because it would confirm what everyone who doesn’t reside in Delusionville has been saying from the start: there are only 2 genders. Because of this, the Party of Science has to be unscientific and muddy the genetic waters to allow for trans people to identify as whichever gender they want without having to deal with the hassle of actually being said gender.

Now, throw in the physical and psychological differences between men and women, put all of this into the athletic arena, and you’ll get…one confusing gender gumbo. The thing is you don’t need to be a scientist to know men and women have physical differences that would play a factor in the outcomes of athletic contests. You know…like, oh I don’t know…swimming.

Consider something as simple as arm span when it comes to swimming. Although there are some women whose spans can rival those of men, more often than not the advantage will go to the men. Longer arm span generates more force that will propel the swimmer further and potentially faster in the pool. Put in a way even Leftists can understand: biological men, regardless of how they identify, will have more of an edge in the pool.

And before you Leftists try to “correct” me saying Thomas was transitioning at the time, it is noted she started to take hormones after coming out as trans in 2018. Even so, she retained the body of a biological male. See, hormone treatments don’t affect biology in that way. They can affect the way one looks, but they don’t change muscle density, bone structure, or genetics. Until you can affect that, it’s still a man, baby, as can be corroborated by eyewitnesses.

Like Riley Gaines.

Gaines is reviled for standing up for women’s sports, not because she’s a transphobe, but because she’s cuts through the Left’s bullshit when it comes to trans women in sports. She’s been directly affected by the Left’s “conform or be cast out” approach in spite of tying Thomas. Since she can’t be silenced, the Left have taken a new approach: paint her as a sore loser.

Just like Keith Olbermann, Nebraska state Senator Megan Hunt, and pro-trans Leftists did.

Now, if I remember Leftist squawking points correctly, we’re supposed to believe women when they’ve been assaulted. Also, if we attack women, it’s because we’re misogynists afraid of strong, outspoken women. So, what would that make Leftists attacking Gaines?

Hypocrites. The judges would have also accepted “assholes.”

What it doesn’t make them is feminists, not even in the Leftist sense of the word. It wasn’t that long ago that Leftists were at the forefront of women’s rights, even to the point of pushing female supremacy. Sure, they’ll pay lip service to the pro-baby death…I mean “pro choice” movement, but what has that gotten them?

Cash. Lots and lots of cash.

And the thing is Gaines isn’t even what the Left would consider a feminist because they have expanded the definition to include women who were born men. However, Gaines is a classical feminist in the sense she wants to have as much of a shot at success as men do. Too bad the NCAA and the Left want to keep women down.

After all this time, it’s taken men who claim to be women to make Leftist feminists bend the knee in the name of inclusion and diversity. Isn’t it ironic, doncha think?

Although Riley Gaines is swimming against the current, she’s made headway in getting people to recognize the issues with trans women competing with biological women in athletics. This is going to make her famous, infamous, and a target for unnecessary vitriol, all at the same time. But as any martyr will tell you, the righteousness of the cause provides an unshakable courage that will carry you through any rough times. Of course, in order to be a martyr, you have to die for your cause, so talking to them might be an issue unless you have a great metaphysical roaming plan through your cell phone provider.

While you get that sorted out, just consider there are more and more people taking up for Gaines quietly because of the way the Left and the trans community coerce people into submission. But if you think you can suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously stupid Leftists, add your name to the chorus and let the world know you want women to compete against women.

Especially if there’s a kiddie pool full of Jello involved.

White Pundits Can’t Jump

Since the end of the 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball tournament, there’s been a lot of talk from fans and pundits alike. Not because it was an exciting game, but because of a gesture, or more precisely two gestures.

On one side, we have University of Iowa player Caitlin Clark, who used John Cena’s “U Can’t C Me” gesture during the tournament. Then, in the waning moments of the title game, LSU player Angel Reese did the same gesture (among others) back to Clark. When criticism of the latter started coming out, Leftists and their minions went right to playing the race card. Some even went so far as to say Clark’s post-game reaction (which was more gracious than anything said about her from the aforementioned Leftists) was a rejection of MAGA culture.

And, not surprisingly, they’re missing the point. Several points, in fact.

Remember when Leftists were pushing for more civility waaaaaaaaay back in 2020? Yeah, well, they’re fucking liars, but you already knew that. In this case, civility was thrown out the window because…Clark did it first. Yes, they went there, just like a four year old might. And just like a four year old’s argument, it doesn’t make it right. Whether you believe Clark’s gesture was inappropriate shouldn’t make a similar gesture by another player right, either.

But, I guess when you’re white, you always have to say you’re sorry.

To her credit, Clark has defended Reese and tried to put the controversy behind her. Which, of course, the Left can’t do because racism! To them, calling out Reese was tantamount to a double standard (which are the only standards Leftists have), instead of recognizing the lack of sportsmanship. If anything, Reese’s actions were dismissed as “trash talk” that only offended anyone who never did anything competitive in their lives.

Yeah, about that…

Without going too much into my less-than-illustrious basketball career, I’ve set foot on a basketball court and have felt the joy of victory and the agony of doing champions after a defeat. What Reese did was the height of disrespect and poor sportsmanship at a time when a lot more people had their eyes on the game than in previous years.

Because of Caitlin Clark.

Clark’s story is one of hard work, humility (for the most part), and being the best player on the court throughout the season. While that didn’t necessarily help her cut down the net after the finals, it’s something to be emulated. And what’s more, she recognizes who is watching her. While Reese has the championship, Clark has a self-made legacy.

But Clark and Reese aren’t the only people who deserve the spotlight here. Instead, let’s turn our attentions to two other players who truly elevated the sport I love, South Carolina’s Aliyah Boston and LSU’s Jasmine Carson.

I watched the press conference after Iowa beat South Carolina to get into the championship game, and to say I was impressed by Boston’s maturity, composure, and attitude would be an understatement. To showcase this, here is a link to that press conference because I truly lack the words to do it justice. I don’t know where Ms. Boston is going to end up, but I do know she has the right attitude and mindset to succeed.

Then, there’s Carson, whose 21 points off the bench in the first half for LSU was a difference maker. Reese might have been the star of the team, but Carson was the heart, and she seemingly could not miss in that first half, even sinking a shot to end the first half. And each time I saw her hit a 3 pointer, I saw absolute joy on her face. She was having the game of her life and the time of her life at the same time.

Two examples of players who showed more maturity and self-awareness than one of the focal points of the controversy. But who are we continuing to talk about? Angel Reese. Who is continually being defended for being a piss-poor winner? Angel Reese.

And who is ignoring the better angels in lieu of the more visible and outspoken “star”? A whole fucking lot of us.

To gin up a racial component when the real issue is a lack of sportsmanship is cynical and unnecessary. But when all you have to work with is race, everything becomes racial. Meanwhile, some of us are still content with the whole “content of one’s character” bit Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about extensively.

And for anyone who thinks I’m holding Reese to a higher standard than Clark, think again. I’m holding them both to the same standard: be gracious in victory and defeat. And yet, some people can’t help but find a way to limbo under than standard without even bending over 1 degree. Caitlin Clark may still have a ways to go, but I think she’ll be just fine as long as she doesn’t forget who she is and where she came from.

For Reese, I can’t help but pity her. She has the spotlight now and her talent will take her as far as she wants to go, but only if her attitude lets her. Fame, or infamy as the case may be, is fleeting. Without a good head space to go along with it, that fame will disappear as quickly as it appeared. I hope she learns this sooner rather than later because sports history is full of “Whatever happened to X” stories.

As far as the Left and the media (a redundancy, I know) are concerned, stop trying to make bad behavior justifiable because of race. A shitty person is a shitty person, no matter what their skin color is. Get your heads out of your own asses and call balls and strikes for once!

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled insane and somewhat humorous ranting already in progress.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Leftists can find a way to be outraged by just about anything, even sources that are outside of their usual frames of reference. This past week, we saw Leftists get their panties in a bunch over…get this…the death of a professional wrestler, or more specifically how some of the wrestler’s colleagues chose to honor his memory.

Jamin Pugh wrestled under the name Jay Briscoe for many years and recently died in a car crash. He was beloved by his peers, with some offering condolences using the phrase Rest In Power.

It was these three little words that made Leftists shit themselves in outrage. Of course, if they were in San Francisco, you wouldn’t notice a difference, but the use of those three words became a personal affront to them because…get this…Jamin Pugh was…a white man! And Rest In Power? That’s a black phrase.

Better sit down for this one. The stupid is going to fly!

Rest In Power

What the Left thinks it means – a phrase to honor deceased blacks that should never be used by white people

What it really means – a phrase to honor a human being that doesn’t belong to anyone

To dig further into this situation, I went to where all self-respecting scholars go, Urban Dictionary. They define the phrase thus:

Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.

Well, that explains the boom in zombie movies and TV shows… provides this definition:

A variation on rest in peace, rest in power is used, especially in Black and LGBTQ communities, to commemorate a person whose death is considered unjust or wrongful. In this way, rest in power is a call to continue the struggle for social justice and as a show of solidarity.

Rest in power is also used to pay respect to a person, especially a person of color, who made a difference in the lives of minority communities. It is sometimes used to note the death of a person felt to have died too soon or senselessly, or a person who was influential or meaningful to people more generally.

At the core of both of these definitions is Leftist ideology. Victims of an unjust system are saluted with a Rest In Power, but the presumed oppressors can’t even utter the words because…well, they’re still trying to figure that part out. And they’re not the only ones.

Seriously, though, the phrase is believed to have originated as a way to honor a street artist, but was popularized in the black community as a way to memorialize people killed by violence. Oh, and rappers. With the death of Michael Brown and the suicide of a teenaged trans girl, Leelah Alcorn, Rest In Power got put behind rhetorical red velvet ropes complete with a bouncer to make sure only the “right” people got to use it.

Then, it got co-opted by white people and everything went to hell. Ain’t that always the case?

Although I can respect the origins of the phrase, I have to call bullshit on its presumed limits on usage. Once a phrase enters the cultural lexicon, the ownership transfers to society at large. Take the word “cool” for example. It started off with black jazz musicians, but evolved to the point of being universal. Now, there are grandmas walking at the mall who say something is “cool.” I don’t know if they can scat to a jazz riff, but that’s not the point.

Language is one of the most fluid things we have as human beings that isn’t actual fluid. As such, there is a lot of cultural cross-pollenization through diverse sources from music to fashion to cartoons. It doesn’t always work (see the drop-off in the use of “wack” in the past 20 years), but when it works, it works well.

So, why is Rest In Power exempt? Because…reasons?

The real reason is because Leftists need to control the language, even within communities already sympathetic to Leftist causes. By limiting who can use it, the Left acts as gatekeepers in the spirit of elevating the oppressed. Not that doing this actually elevates anyone, mind you…

What good does limiting who can say “Rest In Power” do when it comes to the Left’s stated goal of dismantling the current power structure and making it more equitable? It’s a SBD fart in a hurricane. The needle doesn’t move at all, nor will it ever. But it makes Leftist voting blocs feel good, so…yay, I guess?

Within this strategy is another Leftist concept, equity. Note, equity is not the same as equality, even though they share many of the same letters. Equality means everyone gets the same treatment across the board, no matter what. Equity allows for a bit more leeway in treatment because it allows for different circumstances to affect the outcome. And guess who currently pulls the levers on equitable treatment.

Leftists. Either that or an amusement park ride operator.

Setting standards on who can use “Rest In Power” is the Left’s commitment to equity writ large. But the entire concept falls apart like a balsa wood love seat at Michael Moore’s house when you consider the Left’s adoption of Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King. Two white people who are considered black because they identify as black in spite of being as white as an Edgar Winter concert in the middle of a blizzard after a typing correction fluid explosion.

I take that back. The aforementioned concert would have far too much rhythm to be truly white. My bad.

And guess what? That’s a joke comedians of all colors have been telling for decades, and yet no one has tried to limit who can tell it. Sure, the wording will be different, but the concept remains the same, and it has no one trying to gatekeep.

I never thought I’d be putting “cool” and “whites have no rhythm” on the same level, but here I am killing it!

And let me also point out the limits Leftists put on “Rest In Power” are completely arbitrary and, thus, rooted in logic shakier than the Biden White House’s response to why classified documents were found within 500 feet of Hunter. After all, whites make up the largest section of the LGBTQWTFFUBARLMFAO community. So, that means whites can use “Rest In Power” but only if they’re gay, lesbian, bi, trans, queer, etc.

How’s that dicking feel, straight white Leftists?

It’s these kinds of rules that make Calvinball look like Candyland. Yet, it’s the insanity of these rules that makes the best argument against this rhetorical version of Affirmative Action. If no one knows the rules, they are impossible to enforce, and even when you try to enforce them, they can easily be circumvented. Why, it’s almost better not to have any rules on who can say “Rest In Power” in the first place!

Yes. Yes it is.

And that’s the point. People should feel free to use whatever wording they want in honor of a fallen friend, a late family member, or even a respected figure in the community. Yes, there are still going to be consequences if somebody takes it the wrong way, but that’s the risk you run when you say anything. You could post on Twitter that you like chocolate, and some asshat with a checkmark will take it that you hate vanilla and try to troll you back to the Stone Age. (In computer terms, that’s 1980.) But does that mean you can’t or shouldn’t say you like chocolate? Not at all!

There is a reason we have free speech in America, and it’s because even loudmouth assholes should be able to speak their minds, if only to make it easier for us to figure out who to stay away from in the future. Limiting speech, especially as innocuous as “Rest In Power,” doesn’t help anyone, literally and, well, literally. Oh, I almost forgot. Some of the people posting “Rest In Power” to the late Jay Briscoe happen to be members of the groups Leftists say get to use the phrase in the first place.

Checkmate, motherfuckers.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

After a week full of surprise twists (the #TwitterFiles exposing a lot more than anticipated), not-so-surprise twists (Leftists being wrong again about Twitter being dead), and some disappointing-but-not-surprising twists (Herschel Walker couldn’t cross the goal line to win the Georgia Senate runoff election against Raphael Warnock), we finally have a story worth discussing that doesn’t involve Elon Musk.

Brittney Griner is coming home!

Now, if you’re like me (and if you are I’m so very sorry), you have little or no idea who Brittney Griner is. I will admit I had to do a bit of digging to get the facts behind why her release is such a big deal, and I agree it is. Just not for the reason the Left wants us to believe it is.

Brittney Griner

What the Left thinks it means – a brave woman freed after being imprisoned in Russia for no reason

What it really means – a prisoner released solely due to the social justice hierarchy

When Joe Biden took over as President, I knew there would be some bad decisions coming down the pike. I mean, he picked Kamala Harris as Vice-President, a woman so unpopular with Democrats that I got the same number of delegates she did and I didn’t even run. Sure enough, there were no supply chain issues with Puddin’ Head Joe’s bad decisions, as they kept coming in like a LGBQT+ wrecking ball.

Even with incredibly low expectations, I knew somehow the Biden Administration would find a way to limbo under them with room to spare. And that’s exactly what we got with the Griner release.

Brittney Griner is a WNBA player who played in Russia during the off season (which is not that different from the regular WNBA season) and was detained after a search found vape cartridges with hash oil in them. Although what she had was legal in Arizona where Griner plays, it isn’t legal in Russia. As a result, she was sentenced to nine years in prison. Griner appealed the verdict, but was denied. Now, less than a year after she was arrested, Griner is free. A feel good story, right?

Yeaaaaah…not so much.

The terms of Griner’s release included a prisoner exchange for Viktor Bout, who just happens to be an arms dealer with the cute little nickname “the Merchant of Death.” Aside from the laundry list of activities for which he became infamous, he was also the inspiration for a Nicholas Cage movie. That alone should have kept him locked up indefinitely.

Then came Puddin’ Head Joe, who thought it was a good idea to trade Bout for Griner with the hopes of getting another American prisoner detained in Russia, former Marine Paul Whelan. Whelan has been detained since 2018 amid allegations of espionage. Although the charges seem a bit shaky, America has let him sit in a prison camp for far longer than Griner.

So, why are we getting excited over a WNBA player getting released in exchange for an arms dealer? A lot of it has to do with Griner’s identity. Not only is she a basketball player (that maybe 0.00000000001% of the population knew prior to her arrest), but she is black and a lesbian. In social justice terms, that’s practically a “Get Out of Gulag Free” Card! Throw in the fact she lobbied the WNBA to not play the National Anthem during the 2019 season to protest police brutality, and you might as well make her a Leftist Saint. You know, if they believed in that sort of thing.

Even if you strip away all of that, anybody with a lick of sense can see trading an arms dealer for a basketball player while leaving a retired Marine on the table is a bad idea. For one, it’s a fucking arms dealer! For another, it shows the world just what America values these days. If you’re an albino transsexual paraplegic Inuit midget with AIDS, you’ll get the Biden Administration working around the clock to get you home. If you’re a white guy, well…let’s just say you’re going to have to wait a while.

Like, say, the 43rd of Never.

Not to put too fine a point on this, but Bout is also a Russian fucking arms dealer! Now, who are we currently in c0nflict with on the world states? If you said Russia, congratulations! You’ve been paying attention. And if you’ve been paying attention, you can also see where this is going, but for you Leftists reading this, let me spell it out for you: Joe Biden just gave Vladimir Putin an arms dealer, all while funneling money to Ukraine…who is currently fighting Putin and Russia.

Either Griner is one hell of a basketball player, or Puddin’ Head Joe got played. And I think you know which way I’m leaning on that one.

Regardless of how you feel about Griner’s detainment (I think it’s bullshit) and release (it’s great she’s coming back home), the fact the only way it makes sense is through the lens of social justice should be concerning. We should not be making these kinds of major decisions through social justice because of the way social justice operates.

Leftists have devised a hierarchy of oppression through which they view different scenarios to determine how to react. Put another way, it’s a checklist to see how oppressed you are based on superficial factors like gender or race. Check enough boxes and, voila, you’re oppressed! But wait! There’s more! Not only will the hierarchy of oppression tell you if you’re oppressed, but it will show you how oppressed you are! And if your oppression score is lower than someone else’s, the other person gets the support because…oppression!

This makes Calvinball look like chess.

Needless to say, when you prioritize oppression by who allegedly has more of it, some people are still going to feel oppressed which doesn’t help the situation any. Then again, if Leftists were critical thinkers, we might not have Puddin’ Head Joe as President.

As it stands, Brittney Griner is coming home to a hero’s welcome while Russia gets a fucking arms dealer back and a former Marine remains in custody. Even before now, the Left has been writing pieces damning America for various aspects of our prison system or why our government should be supporting Griner because patriotism or what it says about America’s current social issues or how black women are treated in prison. Expect this trend to continue with more frequency and ever higher decibel levels.

But always keep in the back of your mind the Leftists cheering at Griner’s freedom have given zero fucks about Paul Whelan, as evidenced by a) how they haven’t talked about him before now, and b) how slowly the Biden Administration has been working towards getting him home. But when social justice overrules geopolitics and common sense, you’re bound to find yourselves in situations where the obvious answer gets rejected in favor of a worse deal than the Minnesota Vikings trading for Hershel Walker.

Oh, and one last thing. Viktor Bout is a fucking arms dealer.

Damn. Now I need some of the good eggnog…

Leftist Lexicon W0rd of the Week

If you want to make a simple concept more complex than it needs to be, leave if to the Left. This past week saw an example of this fall in our respective laps, and it involves a woman. Or, more specifically, what a woman is. Now, most people can figure it out, but that hasn’t stopped the Left from trying to cast doubt on the answer.

Whether it’s a NCAA woman’s swimming champion sporting a penis, proclamations about trans women getting pregnant in spite of lacking the necessary parts, or a Supreme Court nominee who seems to think you need a biologist to know what a woman is (while being a woman herself), the Left has made being a woman a lot more difficult.


What the Left thinks it means – anybody who identifies as a woman

What it really means – an adult biological female

Now, the Left will tell us my definition doesn’t include trans women and, thus, I’m a transphobe. Of course, if they knew me, they would know a) I don’t hate trans people, b) I don’t fucking care what they call me because c) I trust week-old convenience store sushi more than the Left’s ability to accurately judge a situation. And, to put it mildly, they’ve completely misread the situation with women.

For decades, women flocked to the Left for various reasons, including their desire to kill unborn children at will. And that worked well…until the Left got invested in trans rights. Now, Leftists are showing how much they actually cared about women’s issues: not a hell of a lot.

The Left believe the ends justify the means. If that means they have to lie, cheat, and steal to achieve a goal, they’ll do it, and they’ve done it with women’s issues. They’ll throw out vague threats (Republicans are going to outlaw abortions if they get back into power), nice-sounding but ultimately meaningless slogans (childcare is infrastructure), and ideas with no basis in reality (the gender pay gap) to keep women voting for Leftists. Yet, in spite of promising to fight the patriarchy, nothing of substance gets done. Part of this is because Leftists are mostly incompetent, but the main reason is because they need problems to continue for them to keep votes coming in for Leftist candidates. Blather, rinse, repeat.

Then, trans women came into the scene. Although most are predisposed to vote for Leftists, the Left doesn’t want to take any chances. So, they played around with the language and came up with the idea to consider trans women as actual women. On the surface, it doesn’t seem to be that troubling, but then trans women started to get involved in women’s sports. And not just succeeding here and there, kids. Absolutely dominating them.

Congratulations, ladies. You lost the War of the Sexes to men, thanks to Leftists.

What’s worse is the Left doesn’t even want to consider the fact their overly gracious definition of women is wrong. They’re the smartest people in the room (just ask them). Well, there are a couple of key points these “smart” people have overlooked and to much hilarity.

First off is science. Now, the “party of science” doesn’t want you to consider basic biology to realize there really are two genders, male and female. While the Left pushes the bullshit idea that gender is a social construct put upon babies upon birth, the actual science says just the opposite. In order to be born female, a baby has to have two x chromosomes. Once that happens, nature takes its course and the girl develops as girls tend to do, no doctors designations needed.

Then, there is the numbers game. Right now women make up a little over half of the population. Meanwhile, 1.4 million adults identify as transgender. Out of a US population of 329.5 million people, that makes a whopping…0.004%. So, Leftists are gambling on pissing off over half of the population just to appease a group that was already inclined to vote with the Left in the first place.

So, how does that ass-fucking feel, ladies? It gets worse, though.

Thanks to the Left’s love of trans women, there are going to have to be new interpretations of existing rules, laws, and regulations. If you’re upset over Lia Thomas dominating NCAA women’s swimming, just consider the implications for Title IX. For those of you playing along at home, Title IX is designed to prevent sex discrimination at any educational institution that gets federal funding. That’s right, kids. Soon men will be allowed to get Title IX protection merely by identifying as women. They don’t even have to get their…well, hot dogs…removed.

If you’re sensing a pattern here, it’s because there is one. For all of the “progress” being made with trans women, it’s at the expense of women who were born women. Say, isn’t there a term the Left uses for power systems that favor men? Isn’t it called…the Patriarchy? Why, yes, yes it is! Am I saying the Left’s supporting the Patriarchy by going so overboard with the trans woman issue? Why, yes, yes I am!

Maybe it’s me, but sometimes the irony tastes like steak. This is one of those times.

To put it simply, trans women aren’t women. I don’t say this to be mean or hateful; I say it because it’s the truth. There is a lot more about being a woman than just slapping on a skirt and make-up. As conservative commentator and all around good egg Tammy Bruce explained it, women are the sum total of their unique experiences, experiences men don’t have and, thus, can’t shape their lives like these experiences do for women. Although, I do think of the day my mom got me my first bra…unschweiger. Yeah, that’s it!

Anyway, the important thing to keep in mind here is women are different than men. Always have been and always will be. And that’s a good thing! What isn’t so good is the notion women have to take a back seat to trans women in the name of equality, diversity, and tolerance. You ladies have worked far too hard for far too long to gain equal, and in some cases superior, footing in society just to let Leftists toss it all aside for the Lia Thomases of the world. Stand up for yourselves and let the Left know how you feel. Sure, you’ll get pushback and even some harsh rhetoric thrown your way, but it doesn’t matter because of one little detail the Left can’t refute.

You are smarter than a Supreme Court nominee because you don’t even need to be a biologist to know what a woman is!

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

The world of football lost a great man, as former Oakland Raiders coach, NFL commentator, and namesake of a long line of football games John Madden passed away. To those who knew him (and many more who didn’t), it was heartbreaking because we grew up watching or listening to his unique voice or playing one (or in my case, many) of his games. Losing someone so well-known is bad enough, but a handful of Leftists decided to take the opportunity of Madden’s passing to criticize his role in what they felt was racism, danger to public health, and other social ills.

That’s right, kids. The Left went after football.

Now, it’s personal.


What the Left thinks it means – a violent sport rife with racism, social and economic inequity, and physical harm to the players

What it really means – a violent game that represents America better than the Left does

Now, for the people reading this in another country, I’m referring to American football, not the traditional football known elsewhere. Traditional football has its own set of issues, but I won’t get into them here. Mainly because I know all about football riots and I want to keep myself from being in the center of one in the near future.

Anyway, the Left attacking football isn’t exactly new. Since Colin “I Blew a Super Bowl Win and Became a Benchwarmer and All I Got Was a Lousy Netflix Special” Kaepernick turned his floundering football career into a full time racial grifting career, the Left has has its eyes on making the National Football League into the Now Fun for Leftists league, complete with safe spaces, penalties for not using the right pronouns, and scores based on how woke a team is.

For any Leftists reading this, these are not suggestions. Do not implement them. I was kidding.

Football by its very nature is violent. The purpose of the game is to score points by getting the football from one side of the field to the other while preventing the other team from doing the same. It’s Stratego with linebackers. Yet, within the violence there is artistry and intellectualism. It’s not just men pushing and clawing at other men. It’s seeing players using their minds and bodies to their utmost for the betterment of themselves and everyone else on the team. If you really think about it (and I have since I don’t have much of a social life), isn’t that America in a nutshell? When we are at our best, America utilizes its best and brightest to advance everyone.

And that’s why Leftists hate it so much.

In the hivemind of a Leftist, America is imperfect (which it is) and can only be improved through advancing Leftist ideas (which it can’t). To that end, the Left started working on football to remake it in their own image, and in some cosmetic ways they’ve succeeded. By adopting the Black Lives Matter narrative, you can’t go a weekend without seeing “End Racism” and “Black Lives Matter” on helmets, end zones, and commercials featuring current NFL stars. Although this is praised as forward-thinking, it’s never enough for the Left. Fortunately for them, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has a spine of Silly String and is willing to bend over to Leftist demands.

This is not to say all of the proposals being brought forward suck ass, even if the NFL is slower than Joe Biden massaging a young girl’s shoulder while he sniffs her hair in bringing them to the forefront. Within the past few years, the NFL has started taking concussions more seriously, which has been one of the major criticisms of the Leftists who used Madden’s death to scold football fans. There’s still a ways to go, but it’s not like the NFL has been stagnant as it was in the past.

But it’s still not enough for Leftists.

Regarding the racial issues brought up, football isn’t about racial bean-counting. It’s about finding the best people to play the positions. Minorities and women are finding their way onto coaching staffs and even into head coaching roles. Just like the Presidency, it’s only a matter of time before people of color and women are as common as a losing season for the Detroit Lions.

But it’s still not enough for Leftists.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see a pattern forming here? Oh, yeah, it’s that Leftists aren’t ever satisfied when you capitulate to their demands.

Although the Left’s complaints about football and John Madden’s role in the devaluation of minorities seem to come from a good place, let’s not forget these are some of the same asshats who thought housing COVID patients with the elderly was a good idea. So, needless to say, I’m taking their football complaints with an asteroid of salt. I’m half-convinced one of the reasons Leftists hate football is because they think the Electoral College has a football team.

Central to this whole matter is the Left feeling like it has to take up the cause for others. If only the players had a union…oh wait! They do! And this union has taken up the causes Leftists are just now inventing…I mean discovering. The funny thing is Leftists typically love unions, but in this case they’re discounting the players’ union altogether. Considering how many union reps happen to be black…well, it doesn’t take a genius to make the connection, so I’ll explain it slowly for the Leftists so they understand.

By disregarding the efforts of blacks to make the NFL better and assuming you speak for them makes you racist. And you can’t blame me for making that connection. These are your rules, kids, not mine.

I know the NFL has screwed a lot of conservative fans with its adoption of Leftist ideology, but it may be time to come back and help it find its way again. It’s possible to tweak the existing structure to allow for improvements while telling Leftists to go pluck a duck when they start virtue signalling on behalf of wealthy blacks. (Holy Twilight Zone, Batman!) Leave the signals on the field, Leftists, and let the players play. They are doing a lot more heavy lifting than just in the weight room, and it’s time we give them the respect they deserve and the encouragement they need to make their communities stronger. Screw politics and reward good behavior.

The funniest thing about this whole John Madden non-controversy is how quickly some Leftists condemned the man without knowing a thing about what he did to address their concerns well before Leftists decided to ruin football. Madden was a big proponent of concussion protocols back in the 1990s, featured many incredible athletes in the video games bearing his name, and understood the difficulties players face. Maybe it’s because he…you know…was a fucking coach instead of a scolding Leftist douchebag that couldn’t be bothered to do a few seconds of research on Google before spouting off?


Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

After the recent killing of George Floyd, a forgotten figure of the Black Lives Matter movement came back into the limelight: Colin Kaepernick. The former starting quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers became a darling of the BLM crowd by taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem (and for wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs) to protest the killing of black people by police. At the time, he was praised and criticized and now it seems he was ahead of the curve, even though he was riding the pine at his former job for sucking.

With Kaepernick’s reemergence, Leftists are coming out and saying we owe him an apology, a starting quarterback position, and back pay. There are people making as much on two knees as Kaepernick could make on one, and what he’s doing won’t get you arrested! But is he worth the accolades? Let’s take a look.

Colin Kaepernick

What the Left thinks it means – an early hero of Black Lives Matter who was blackballed by the NFL for his stance on police brutality

What it really means – a quarterback whose skills have been overshadowed by his advocacy

When he started, Colin Kaepernick was a one-of-a-kind quarterback. He was able to lead the 49ers to a handful of NFC championship games and an appearance in the Super Bowl, where he lead the team to a disheartening loss to the Baltimore Ravens (which just happens to be your humble correspondent’s favorite football team). After that, he experienced either a decline in his skills, defenses started figuring out his tendencies and exploited them to their benefit, or his offense wasn’t as potent as it was when he was successful. As a result, he wasn’t as effective as he once was and lost his starting quarterback position, even though he felt he had the skills to play as a starter.

This is where things get a little controversial. Kaepernick started dating a woman in the off season who turned him from a mediocre-starting-quarterback to a mediocre-former-starting-quarterback-with-a-cause. And out of that cause came a lot of trouble for him and headaches for the NFL. After he tried to test the free agency market and came up empty, allegations of his being blackballed flew around like errant passes from Kaepernick.

Was he blackballed? Not really. He insisted he was a top-tier talent without the numbers to back it up, and he refused to accept a back-up quarterback position. Oh, and there was the attitude problems and controversial statements supporting Fidel Castro…while he was trying to get a job with the Miami Dolphins. I will say this. What Kaepernick lacked in reading the room, he more than made up in positive press coverage. To say he became more beloved by people who would normally consider football barbaric (and, to be fair, anything short of checkers is too barbaric for the Left) would be an understatement.

And that’s how he’s made his money since deciding not to play football (i.e. when no NFL team would sign him because, well, he’s a PR nightmare in crappy socks). He’s become a professional victim, even though his ego/stupidity made him a victim in the first place. Since he’s involved in a Leftist cause, however, his defenders will overlook the obvious flaws in his story of victimhood. After all, there are black people being shot by police all the time, right? Wellll…that’s not strictly true. Crime statistics show police most often shoot…white criminals. And it’s not always white cops doing the killing, either. Thanks to diversity (something the Left claims to embrace), police departments have officers of various races. In fact, only 2 of the police officers involved in the George Floyd matter were white.

None of this diminishes the fact far too many people are getting killed by police officers, regardless of race. Nor does it excuse the racism evident in some police departments. These are real issues that fuel the division in this country and acts as justification for all sides to distrust each other. If we are make any headway, we have to call out the bad faith actors and praise those who are upholding the best in people.

And that’s why I’m calling out Colin Kaepernick and his Leftist enablers. I know the perfect is the enemy of the good, but Kaepernick is neither. He took advantage of a bad situation to create a new job opportunity for himself when his job at the time wasn’t working out the best and his options were as limited as his ability to evolve as a quarterback. And I’m guessing he hasn’t improved on his existing skill set during his extended off-season. Even though his cause has gained traction, it wasn’t because of him. If anything, it occurred without his presence being necessary. Although the Left can remember the glory days of him taking a knee, the truth remains he was merely a replaceable cog in an already existing machine.

As far as his Leftist enablers go, he doesn’t deserve back pay, a starting quarterback job, or an apology because he hasn’t earned any of it. He hasn’t played for a few years because no team would sign him. That’s not the NFL’s fault, but it is Kaepernick’s fault for not realizing his limitations. If he could play like he did prior to the Super Bowl he lost and shown he has a more level head than he did before taking a knee, there are teams right now who could use a good quarterback or at least someone who could do a good job mentoring the next generation of quarterbacks. And if football was no longer an option, he has a degree in business management that he could use…or is he using it right now to leverage his self-imposed victimhood into a lucrative, albeit somewhat dishonest, career?

In other words, Colin Kaepernick is playing Leftists for fools so he can enrich himself, and if Leftists have their way, he will succeed. But, hey, at least they’re “woke”.